Rachel Schoneman and Chenwei Yan

Pediatric Preventative Care with Hennepin Pediatric Mobile Health

Isabel Margerie

Chenwei Yan, BA, from the School of Public Health and College of Pharmacy, Rachel Schoneman, BS, and Lyndel Sorenson, M.D, from the Medical School are partnering with Hennepin Pediatric Mobile Health to design, implement, and evaluate an annual community assessment to identify community health concerns and questions related to pediatric preventative care. Yan, Schoneman, and Sorenson will deliver this community assessment through a PowerPoint presentation to community partners and internal stakeholders at Hennepin Health.

 To accomplish this, the interns reviewed models of local community needs assessments, developed two sets of survey questions, and are currently working on collecting feedback from mobile clinic patients and community partners. Their work aims to create awareness around how pediatric primary care needs have shifted in the wake of COVID-19 and to support their community partner in identifying the next step to advancing pediatric primary care. 

Through the OACA Interprofessional Internship program, Yan, Schoneman, and Sorenson have learned about the impact and importance of mobile health units and how they can support community health. When asked about the project’s impact on future professional work, the team shared, “This project has highlighted the importance of partnership with community stakeholders, as well as working across health care professions”. 

Lyndel Sorenson not pictured

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