Departures, Retirements, Terminations, Layoffs, and Non-renewals
Note: This includes employees leaving their department or the Clinical Affairs for another job within the University
For managers and supervisors
Exit survey
Employees leaving will be invited to take an online exit survey. They will receive the link to the exit survey from the human resources staff in their department or unit. If an employee does not receive an email invitation to participate, the employee should contact their HR contact.
Additional exit resources
- Staff Off-Boarding Checklist
- Security checklist - This checklist is designed for the employee and supervisor to review and initial as security access information and items are authorized, transferred and/or terminated. The information should be completed when an employee is 1) being hired into the AHC, 2) transferring departments within the AHC/University, or 3) terminating employment from the University.
- Departure/Termination Policies from the Office of Human Resources
- If an employee has access to an enterprise system such as PeopleSoft and has a change of employment status, the Change of Employment Status Form should be used to provide the notification to IT Data Security.
UMN email and Google Workspace
Students preparing to graduate
After you graduate, your access to University applications like Gmail and Google Workspace, Zoom, and Microsoft 365 will change. Learn what to expect and how to prepare on the Leaving the University self-help guide.
Faculty and Staff
After you retire, your access to University applications like UMN email and Google Workspace, Zoom, and Microsoft 365 will change. Learn what to expect and how to prepare on the Leaving the University self-help guide.*
*Faculty emeriti will retain access to Gmail and Google Workspace as per University policy.