Consulting team

Sunny Blakesley

HR Partner
[email protected]

HR Consultant and Business Partner for:

  • Community University Health Care Center (CUHCC)
  • Mobile Health


Kara Galvin

HR Partner
HR Consultant and Business Partner for:
  • Bioethics
  • Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain (MIDB)
  • Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics (MCT)
  • MSimulation Center
  • OACA VP Units


Lindsay Julius

HR Consultant and Business Partner for:
  • Center for Translational Medicine (CTM)
  • Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)
  • Institute for Health Informatics (IHI/BMHI)


Megan Pingry

Sr. HR Partner
[email protected]

HR Consultant and Business Partner for:

  • Institute for Cell, Gene, and Immunotherapy (ICGI)
  • Masonic Cancer Center (MCC)
  • Mouse Genetics LabMGL (MGL)