3D model

3D-Bioprinted Cancer Model to Test Anticancer Drugs

Researchers from both the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering and Medical School have created a new, dynamic 3D bioprinted tumor model that will help researchers screen anticancer drugs and study the spread of cancer.

The new model should help a current major pitfall of translating drugs from the lab bench to a viable treatment due to the differences of a 2D petri dish versus the 3D human body.

"I think our model has the key components to push the boundaries of in vitro cancer research,” said co-senior author Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, PhD, Department of Pediatrics.

The results of the studypublished in Advanced Materials, found that the 3D-bioprinted model shows drugs take more time to kill fewer cells than previous studies have shown, however, the results likely show a more accurate representation.

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