The National Institutes of Health (NIH) created the Clinical and Translational Science Awards program to change the way universities support, perform, and share the results of their research in the health sciences in an effort to speed the process of developing scientific discoveries into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public.
Our own Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), first awarded in 2011 and one of the largest federally-funded grants at the University, has been truly transformational. CTSI has created a research infrastructure to improve, streamline, and facilitate the process of bench to bedside. These include:
- A clinical data repository with information on over 4.5 million patients
- Bioinformatics and biostatistical support
- Research education, training and career development from undergraduate to faculty levels
- Support for community-engaged research, providing everything from funding to introductions to collaborative partners
- The Clinical Research Support Center a group of experts who can help speed up timelines, overcome hurdles, and streamline research processes
This year is important for our CTSI, as it applies for its third NIH award under the leadership of Drs. Bruce Blazar and Daniel Weisdorf. This award is critical for maintaining the existing services, as well as expanding them.
Please join me in supporting the CTSI team as they develop this application and as its dedicated team continues to serve the University research community through research support services, training, tools, and grants.