A Look Back at 2021

A Critical Resource for Research

VP Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) created the Clinical and Translational Science Awards program to change the way universities support, perform, and share the results of their research in the health sciences in an effort to speed the process of developing scientific discoveries into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public.

Our own Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), first awarded in 2011 and one of the largest federally-funded grants at the University, has been truly transformational. CTSI has created a research infrastructure to improve, streamline, and facilitate the process of bench to bedside. These include:

  • A clinical data repository with information on over 4.5 million patients
  • Bioinformatics and biostatistical support
  • Research education, training and career development from undergraduate to faculty levels
  • Support for community-engaged research, providing everything from funding to introductions to collaborative partners
  • The Clinical Research Support Center a group of experts who can help speed up timelines, overcome hurdles, and streamline research processes

This year is important for our CTSI, as it applies for its third NIH award under the leadership of Drs. Bruce Blazar and Daniel Weisdorf. This award is critical for maintaining the existing services, as well as expanding them. 

Please join me in supporting the CTSI team as they develop this application and as its dedicated team continues to serve the University research community through research support services, training, tools, and grants.


Driving Innovation & Discovery


Academies for Excellence 2021 Inductees

The Academies for Excellence recognizes outstanding faculty in the areas of scientific research, educational scholarship, clinical practice, and team science. Congratulations to the 2021 inductees:
Academy for Excellence in Health Research

  • Lisa Harnack, DrPH, RD, MPH, professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
  • A. David Redish, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Neuroscience

Academy for Excellence in Clinical Practice

  • Roli Dwivedi, MD, assistant professor, chief clinical officer – CUHCC, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
  • Ann Philbrick, PHARMD, FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, associate professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
  • Chris Stauthammer, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, associate professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

Academy for Excellence in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

  • Christine Mueller, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN, professor, Adult and Gerontological Health Cooperative
  • David Satin, MD, assistant professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health

Details on a recognition event are forthcoming. The names and photos of this year's recipients will be added to the Academies for Excellence wall plaques in Moos Tower.


The OACA Faculty Research Development Grant Program 2021 received 27 applications. A group of 44 reviewers from across the University worked diligently to identify the grant recipients who were awarded up to $200,000 in funds, below: 

  • Paula Ludewig, PhD, PT, professor, Medical School; and Victor Barocas, PhD, professor, College of Science and Engineering - "Subject-Specific Rotator Cuff Treatment Planning"
  • Isha Mutreja, PhD, research assistant professor, School of Dentistry; and Elizabeth Bradley, PhD, assistant professor, Medical School - "Designing an injectable system using osteoclast exosomes for bone regeneration"
  • Hongbo Pang, PhD, assistant professor, College of Pharmacy; and Tanya Freedman, PhD, assistant professor, Medical School - "Peptide-targeted delivery to improve the efficacy and safety of corticosteroid drugs against rheumatoid arthritis"
  • Ned Patterson, DVM, PhD, professor, College of Veterinary Medicine; and James Cloyd, PharmD, professor, College of Pharmacy - "Allopregnanolone, a Novel Neurosteroid Drug, for Treatment of Status Epilepticus"
  • Valerie Pierre, PhD, associate professor, College of Science and Engineering; and Peter Dosa, PhD, research associate professor, College of Pharmacy - "Orally Bioavailable Iron Chelators for the Treatment of Iron Overload"
  • Ian Ramsay, PhD, assistant professor, Medical School; and Dereck Salisbury, PhD, assistant professor, School of Nursing - "Sprint interval training to target brain oscillations in first-episode psychosis"
  • Patrick Rothwell, PhD, assistant professor, Medical School; and Swati More, PhD, associate professor, College of Pharmacy - “Control of Endogenous Opioid Signaling by Domain-Selective Inhibition of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme”
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Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection

The Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection has educational and clinical resources for educators, health professionals, learners, and caregivers for older adults. The collection features:
  • Easy sort and search capability
  • Free open-source access
  • Curation by experts in geratric care
  • 900+ resources created by Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Programs

Partnering With Communities

In late 2021, several health professions students from the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic, a pediatric resident, and Brian Sick, MD, medical director for PNC, partnered with MTS Secondary to provide free physicals for six high school students on the basketball team.

Advancing Interprofessional Education & Training

Collaboration insights

Check Out Collaboration Insights: A Health Professions Blog for Effective Collaboration

This new student-led health professions blog is a hub for information on interprofessional education and collaboration. The latest entry focuses on implicit bias and its effect on interprofessional collaboration. Previous entries focused on personality and team cohesion.


U-Wide Events And Opportunities

Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute Messengers of peace

41st Annual U of M Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert

Held this Sunday, Jan. 16 at 4 p.m., the 41st Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert is hosted and curated by U of M alumnus G. Phillip Shoultz, III of VocalEssence. Live-streamed from Ted Mann Concert Hall, the program will intermix the words of Dr. King with reflections from faculty and musical performances from U of M students and the greater Twin Cities community.


woman smiling

Applications for Systemwide Equity & Diversity Awards Now Open

 Nominations are now open for:

Nominations for both awards are due to the Office for Equity and Diversity by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 1. 

field of wheat

Mindfulness Opportunities from the Bakken Center

The Bakken Center’s online mindfulness meditation retreats provide an opportunity to step away from your daily routines and the busyness of everyday life to deepen, renew or inspire your mindfulness meditation practice. The next half-day retreat is Jan. 22. Kicking off Jan. 19, the four-week online course Intro to Mindfulness explores what mindfulness is (and isn’t) through direct experience and discussion. Each week you will learn a different aspect of mindfulness and its implications for your life.


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