Last week was a great week for research funding!
First, we awarded the next seven BOLD Ideas grants.
We had a great response, with 64 applications submitted by interdisciplinary teams from across the University and the state. The creativity, quality, and collaborations of the proposals were strong, and they addressed a broad spectrum of health and wellbeing in our communities.
This next phase of awards takes on some big challenges:
Obesity Mapping with State-Issued Identification Cards
- Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, U-Spatial, Minnesota Department of Health
An Innovative Dementia Friendly Living Space
- Science and Engineering, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Pharmacy, Business (Duluth)
Using Natural Language Processing to Extract Predictors of Medical Device Adverse Events
- Management, Public Health
Holistic Approaches in Addressing Complex Health Disparities at the Intersection of Pets and Their People
- Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Social Work
Dental Hygiene/Medicine Hospital Rounding Collaboration
- Dentistry, Medicine
Utilizing Innovative Clinic Design to Address Health Disparities
- Medicine, Design
A Pilot Project Exploring Neuropathways of Music-Induced Craving in Adults with Opioid Addictions
- Liberal Arts, Medicine
Congratulations to all of our BOLD Ideas grant awardees!
Congratulations also to awardees of two other grant programs announced this week: the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics and Regenerative Medicine Minnesota research grants! If you aren’t familiar with these three programs, please take a minute to learn about them.
Lastly, I know that a tremendous amount of effort goes into applying for these grants, and want to thank all of the faculty, staff, and students who helped prepare the proposals.