
A Interprofessional Internship Highlights: CUHCC Project Team

Ally Taubenheim RN, PHN, BSN, DNP '22, from the School of Nursing, Kaushik Mukherjee, MSc, PhD, DDS ’22, from the School of Dentistry, and Vanessa Santamaria, BS, MHA 22', from the School of Public Health are working to update and re-design learning material for students and residents completing rotations at Community-University Health Care Center (CUHCC) as part of their project to improve interprofessional practice care models and combine efforts with other clinics doing similar work. The team recently finished developing the landing page for learners on the new intranet site, which will be a key resource for learners' on-boarding process and serve as an ongoing resource.

“With each project deliverable, we are challenged to think bigger,” said Taubenheim “As a team, we frequently ask ourselves what exactly do learners need when they come to CUHCC to ensure their role is not only integrated into the clinic, but that they also receive a high quality interprofessional experience?”

”This internship experience has taught me skills for high-level project management," said Taubenheim. "We have learned how critical it is as a team to have a working framework from the beginning in order to produce high quality project deliverables while being as efficient as possible. I have learned there is no ‘I’ in teams and that we take care of each other first and foremost. Taking time to support each other and have fun has created a culture of safety among team members which has significantly contributed to high team functioning.”

This interprofessional internship reminds Taubenheim of how essential it is to lead in team-based care. “I am learning how important it is to cross collaborate across systems as we set out to stimulate positive change for collaborative practice. I will be challenged to move this dial forward, but I know it cannot be done alone. I am reminded every day that patients are on the receiving ends of teams, which is why this work matters so much.”

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