older adult rubing their temples

Learners Leading

VP Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD

A few weeks ago, we highlighted collaborations across disciplines brought together because of a shared passion to impact lives for the better and improve health outcomes. We love hearing about interprofessional collaborations you’re involved in and heard about several exciting opportunities from across the University.

Dr. Abby Metzler shared the Headache Care Program, led by Headache Neurology, which brings together medical, pharmacy and dental colleagues to learn from each other through a monthly headache education session, where they discuss a headache-related topic or share an important journal article related to the field, often led by learners.

Orofacial pain (jaw, mouth and facial pain) and headaches are closely related. Qiman Gao, an orofacial pain resident says, “The two conditions often aggravate each other so it’s important for us to understand headache diagnoses and get both conditions treated. The Headache Care Program adds value to our training. It’s an opportunity to get up-to-date knowledge, ask questions, get answers and bridge knowledge gaps.” Maram Taema, a TMD and orofacial pain resident added, "With the headache program we learned the importance of collaborations among healthcare professionals from different disciplines, such as neurologists, dentists, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, physical therapists, and others. It allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of the underlying causes of headaches and the development of effective management strategies. We learn to provide a well-rounded perspective on the patient's condition and enable a comprehensive approach to treatment. The program focuses on offering a broad approach to patient care, focusing on the individual and tailoring treatment plans accordingly."

As part of their education, orofacial pain residents spend a few days in the headache clinic, rotating with a headache neurologist. This collaboration is important, as they refer patients to each other, and it is not uncommon for a patient's headache care plan to include both the medical school and the dental school. For example, a patient with chronic migraine may also have concurrent temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and the best outcome requires treatment of both.

This unique collaboration serves as a reminder that when we think interprofessionally, we can better solve problems. Each of us brings a distinct point of view, lived experience and expertise to the conversation. We’d love to hear what collaborations you’re a part of and help spread the word.

Driving Innovation & Discovery

Campus signage on street light

Advances in Learning Health System Sciences Conference

The two-day conference brings together researchers with a wide range of LHS interests for presentations, discussions, workshops, and opportunities for networking. Submit your abstract by June 30. Proposals are encouraged from a wide range of organizations and disciplines.


group in front of mural

Building a BRIIDGE to Global Expertise

With a growing shortage of health professionals, building the healthcare workforce in order to meet the needs of Minnesotans is more important than ever. Through the Bridge to Residency for Immigrant International Doctor Graduates through clinical Experience (BRIIDGE) program, participants are taught and mentored by experienced clinicians and educators with faculty outpatient preceptors at clinics across the Twin Cities, including our Community-University Health Care Center.


person walking on path

Achieving Gender Equality for Women Experiencing the Deepest Vulnerability

Led by Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, PhD, RN, FAAN, a new mixed methods study will provide foundational knowledge about the experiences of gender-based violence in the lives of childbearing women living at a Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi. This project is supported by a 2022 Sustainable Development Goals Research Grant Award, which was jointly funded by OACA and the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance as part of a systemwide initiative focused on the Sustainable Development Goals.


Advancing Interprofessional Education & Training

group with locked arms

Engaging Patients Where They Are At

During Alec Helmke's undergraduate and early professional education, he developed a passion for working alongside marginalized populations and promoting healthcare access. Over the past few years, Helmke, now a PharmD/MHA student, has volunteered at several Mobile Health Initiative events, including those specifically for migrant farmworkers in Minnesota to engage with patients where they are at and improve health outcomes.


Partnering With Communities

Erin Schwab

Project REACH Highlight: Addressing the High Rates of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Brown County

Erin Schwab, CCP, one of the members of the second Project REACH cohort, is a public health advocate who is dedicated to helping rural Minnesotans empower themselves to live their healthiest lives. As part of her work with Project REACH, Schwab has worked to impact policies related to access to mental health services and resources in Brown County.

U-Wide Events and Opportunities

group standing outside

Fall: Global Health in Local Contexts Applications Now Open
Using an interprofessional and experiential model, this course immerses students in the study of health equity, the social determinants of health, and community-based healthcare. Apply now.


An Evidence-Based Design Approach to Creating a Healthy Work Environment
The nursing workforce, more now than ever before, is providing care for their patients at their own wellbeing expense. To increase nurses wellbeing, aspects of the nurses' work environment are currently under study. Learn more by attending the presentation on June 28.

July 12: Death and Dying as a Pathway to Generate Resilience and Cultivate Compassion with Tenzin Namdul, TMD, PhD
Learn how our attitudes toward death and dying have direct implications on how we die and care for others who are dying.

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