
From Mfangano to Minnesota - A Collaboration Rooted in Community

Two strangers-turned-colleagues and friends reunited on the University of Minnesota campus. The reunion in Minnesota marks a new chapter for the pair, positioning them to expand research and sustainable health solutions by formally launching the Mfangano Community Health Field Station @ the Ekialo Kiona (EK) Center in Kenya.

The partnership began in 2006 when Charles (Chas) Salmen, then an aspiring medical student, encountered two community leaders from Mfangano Island at a bus stop along the shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya. In partnership with the Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility (CGHSR), Chas and Joel led the development of the Mfangano Community Health Field Station @ the Ekialo Kiona (EK) Center, an academic collaboration to advance research, training, and community health programming on the island and beyond. Read the full story. 

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