MPACT vision skyscape rendering

A New Vision

VP Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD

Our University's breadth of health sciences expertise puts us in a position to lead Minnesota to what’s next in health care delivery, including:

MPact Health Care Innovation

The MPact Health Care Innovation vision centers on a University-operated hospital and clinic system on the Twin Cities campus, including the existing health care facilities—the University Medical Center East and West Bank facilities, the Masonic Children’s Hospital, and the Clinics and Surgery Center—and the eventual development of a new state-of-the-art health center. This new facility will provide improved trainee experience for our broad range of disciplines training and practicing in teams and world class operations to support world class health professionals.

Through MPact Health Care Innovation, we can improve access with a mission-driven system, advance discovery, and improve outcomes in high quality, patient-centered care. By bridging care between current facilities and the proposed new teaching hospital, we can provide the groundwork for this future success.

Improving Heath Care Access Across Greater Minnesota

Part of expanding our reach and ability to care for all Minnesotans includes meeting the needs of rural and underserved communities.

Through these important initiatives, we will strengthen partnerships statewide, expand our current footprint of training programs and clinical services, and help fulfill our obligation to serve the entire state.

Driving Innovation & Discovery

Rare Disease Day

Rare Disease Day 2023

The College of Pharmacy and the Medical School will jointly host a virtual Rare Disease Day conference on March 2. This year's event "Diversity in the Rare Disease Community: Challenges for Newborn Screening and Early-life Genetic Testing Equity" includes a panel discussion, a poster symposium, and a keynote from Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC, a genetic counselor, public health genetics and rare disease consultant, and founder of Connetics Consulting LLC. RSVP by Feb. 16.


Mothers leading science program ten researcher-moms

Mothers Leading Science Program Welcomes Ten Researcher-Moms

CTSI has welcomed the fourth cohort of researcher-moms into Mothers Leading Science, a yearlong career development program for research-intensive faculty in the health sciences who are raising young children.


Advancing Interprofessional Educational & Training

Rachel Hugenroth

Students: What Do You Enjoy Most About Interprofessional Activities?

“Interprofessional activities have always given me an opportunity to learn from other health care students and hear another perspective on what it’s like to work in our health care system. It’s fun to meet new people who are experts in a different field than your own since they can teach you something you never knew and you can share your own knowledge with them in return.” - Rachel Hugenroth, PharmD candidate

University of Minnesota Driven to Discover Flag

M Simulation Serves University Campuses System-Wide

The M Simulation team traveled to Duluth and Rochester over 10 times in 2022 to train medical and occupational therapy students, provide guidance on simulation best practices, and to learn about the Duluth medical and pharmacy school programs onsite with faculty and staff. This has been a strategic undertaking on the part of M Simulation leadership. Through a mix of in-person and online activities, the team is building and maintaining ongoing collaborations to serve health sciences students across the University system.

Ecuador skyscape

Course Information Session: Global Health in Quito, Ecuador

Travel to Quito to experience the diverse nature of global health and development and their impacts on Ecuadorian life. In Ecuador: Social, Environmental, and Cultural Determinants of Health (GHSR 6723, 2 cr., May session), participants will learn about public health and health care infrastructure in Ecuador, including western and Indigenous health practices. Join the Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility for a course information session on Feb. 14.



Partnering with Communities

Driven to Discover (D2D) Research Facility

D2D Sign-Up Extended to Feb. 28: Conduct Research at the MN State Fair

It’s not too late to reserve space at the Driven to Discover (D2D) Research Facility this summer. D2D is for faculty, students and staff U-wide to recruit from among two million fairgoers for on-site human-subjects research. D2D allows fairgoers to participate in research in a fun, innovative, and convenient way. D2D allows researchers to reach a more diverse pool of participants and meet recruitment goals in a matter of hours or days. Applications are due Feb. 28. For more information, contact [email protected].


U-Wide Events and Opportunities

older adults candid photo collage

Resources for Teaching Introductory Aging Content

See the new toolkit from the Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program, “Addressing Ageism in Healthcare”, designed to help us all reflect on ageism and understand better how it affects the care and health of older adults.This toolkit contains two components: a learner module and a compendium of teaching and learning resources.


Unpacking Bedside Bioethics

Unpacking Bedside Bioethics: Beyond "Consenting" the Patient

Join the Center for Bioethics on Feb. 14 for the next installment in their clinical ethics professional development series. Informed consent is a critical piece of respecting a patient’s autonomy. Only if a patient or surrogate understands the risks, benefits, and alternatives to proposed health care can they adequately evaluate whether that health care is consistent with their preferences, goals, and values. While informed consent might seem straightforward, there are many myths and misconceptions. In this session we will examine the complexities surrounding informed consent and explore common yet misunderstood consent scenarios in adult and pediatric medicine.


Teddie Potter

Climate Change and Planetary Health: Aligning Care for Healthier Outcomes

Join the next M Health Fairview System Grand Rounds on Feb.15 for this presentation led by Teddie Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, director of planetary health for the School of Nursing; and Heidi Roop, PhD, director of the Climate Adaptation Partnership. Humans are disrupting the Earth's natural systems at an alarming rate, which is impacting human health and threatening well-being. Planetary health is a solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field and social movement focused on analyzing and addressing the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life. Planetary Health is foundational knowledge for all health professionals.

sunset on tall grass

Life-Affirming Creativity in Times of Distress

Join the Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing on Feb. 23 for a free webinar designed to help you take charge of your health and wellbeing. In the midst of ecological and cultural crises, how can connecting with your own unique creative energies provide relief, restoration, insight and inspiration? Join artist/researcher/faculty Molly Sturges in this experiential webinar where you will have time to explore a few creative healing practices to support you as well as have an opportunity to connect with others as desired in a caring, accepting and reflective space.

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2023 Speaking Science Conference

Join the UMN science community for Speaking Science 2023, an immersive opportunity for faculty, research staff, post-docs, graduate students, and communications professionals to exchange ideas and hone specific storytelling skill sets. Unfolding this year over four weeks, Speaking Science will begin with an in-person conference at Coffman Memorial Union on March 24, followed by a variety of in-person and virtual offerings, and culminating with a second keynote and closing reception in late April.

Other News

Block M in maroon and gold flowers
We are delighted to extend a heartfelt welcome to President Rebecca Cunningham.
abstract people lift puzzle pieces
Communities of practice brings together individuals with shared interests or passions.
Ben Cahill
Through Project REACH, Ben Cahill worked on increasing housing opportunities for individuals facing chronic health conditions in…