Oaca interns

OACA Interprofessional Internship Spotlight: Center for Interprofessional Health

Bethany O'Bryan, BS, from the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Sara Dasler, BS, from the College of Liberal Arts, are working with the Center for Interprofessional Health to promote advanced personal leadership development in an interprofessional context, provide mentorship to and leadership of incoming intern cohorts, and contribute to the advancement of novel interprofessional initiatives in line with the U’s Strategic Plan priorities through cross-sector collaboration approaches.

The team has launched the blog, Collaboration Insights, which covers topics like implicit bias, team cohesion, and more. They are working on “Day in the Life” videos to discuss different professions and what they look like in a particular setting. They are assisting in furthering the reach of the Fireside Chats, and connecting with other interns to help with their projects.

“I feel more prepared for interprofessional collaboration and how to continue developing my communication skills,” said Dasler. “My favorite part of the experience was the creative freedom in developing these interprofessional experiences for other students and getting to work as a team.”

“This project has shown me that I am building the tool kit and experiences to become a leader in interprofessional health care teams. I always had an interest in this area but was unsure how I (as a veterinarian) would truly fit within this world. I now see that veterinarians are essential to this round table of health care and cannot wait to share this perspective with others through my career,” said O’Bryan.


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