
Ann Bussey at panel

The Drive to Thrive: How a CTSI Fellow is Helping Rural Seniors Flourish in Longevity

At first, it seems like a perfectly ordinary exercise class. Three times a week, a group of seniors meet for an hour inside a church gym on the Iron Range, the narrow strips of land that trace ore deposits along Lake Superior.
Hand holding drawing virtual lightbulb with brain

Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics Awards Three Collaborative Research Grants for 2023

Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota are pleased to announce three collaborative research grants totaling $5.82 million.
students working in garden

Planting With Purpose

The HSEC Interprofessional Student Garden offers students a space for respite, wellness, and organic relationships across disciplines.
health care team

A Collective of Shared Passion

Whatever your interest or passion, there are resources and places for you to connect and learn more.
presentation to a group

Three Research Teams Receive Child Health Collaborative Grants

Researchers from the University of Minnesota and Children’s Minnesota, along with collaborators from Hennepin Healthcare, state and county agencies, and Centro Tyrone Guzman, the oldest and largest Minneapolis-based multi-service Latine…
Elias and Jessica

Using Telemedicine to Better Support Kids with Autism

Families that suspect their child may have autism often find themselves waiting months or even more than a year before they can get a diagnosis. Wait times to receive a diagnosis are often worse for rural families, as there are fewer…
Students in classroom

Precision Education: Sharing Best Practices in Health Sciences Learning

Health science education has undergone rapid transformation during the last several years.
shining stars

Faculty Inducted into National Academies of Practice Class of 2023

The prestigious honor acknowledges their outstanding achievements and recognizes them as leaders in their professions.
Woman on laptop with cat watching OACA mini medical school

Sharing Our Knowledge With the Community

We asked our Mini Medical School learners what they most wanted to hear from University experts, and the overwhelming majority said aging.
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Talking Health Care for LGBTQ Older Adults with U of M

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) older adults face unique challenges in today’s healthcare ecosystem.